Defy, Nourish, and Endure with Testosterone Therapy
Aging doesn’t have to mean an inevitable decline in strength, performance, sexuality and energy. Declining hormone levels, a phenomenon often synonymous with aging, is largely to blame for the unwelcome “effects of getting older” so many of us experience later in life.
Weight gain, muscle loss, fatigue, insomnia and erectile dysfunction are just a few of the classic symptoms of hormone imbalance in men. For women, sub-optimal hormone levels often lead poor sleep, brain fog, low energy, low libido and weight gain as early as in their 30’s. The good news is, it’s treatable. Hormone replacement therapy is a rapidly emerging field of medicine that is redefining aging for men and women. Getting older no longer means the end of a high-quality, energetic and busy life.

More Energy
Who doesn’t want more energy? Testosterone plays a role in sustaining energy levels. It helps build and maintain muscle mass, fueling the body to perform longer and stronger throughout the day. Research has even shown that adequate testosterone levels can contribute to improved recovery between workouts.

Increased Libido
Testosterone is not just the “manly hormone.” It is also the “hormone of desire.” When testosterone levels decline, so does a man’s libido. A carefully administered and comprehensive testosterone treatment plan can revive sexual desire in men. In addition to increased sexual desire, many men will also reap benefits such as better orgasms and increased stamina.

Improved Mood
Low levels of testosterone are commonly linked to the mood swings, depression and irritability that many men experience around mid-life. Restoring natural levels of testosterone with testosterone therapy gives men back their edge and stabilizes mood swings.
Protected Cardiovascular System

Adequate levels of testosterone have been linked to improved cardiovascular health and heart function. Men depend on testosterone to support a strong heart and well-functioning blood vessels that transport oxygen and nutrients throughout the body. Other studies have also connected adequate testosterone levels to healthy blood cholesterol levels. Testosterone therapy or testosterone treatment can help minimize the plaque build-up associated with high cholesterol that increases the risk of heart attack or stroke.
Understanding Low Testosterone in Men
The effects of aging begin much earlier than most men realize. Testosterone levels start to drop at a slow and steady rate in a man’s late twenties and continue to decline well into his golden years. This decline becomes more evident in middle-age when some men experience what has become known as andropause, or “male menopause.” This condition of hormone imbalance in men is characterized by a number of distressing symptoms, such as fatigue, muscle loss, increased body fat, sleeplessness, night sweats, irritability, depression and various forms of sexual dysfunction, like low libido and erectile dysfunction.
Low testosterone affects more than a man’s quality of life, it can seriously diminish his health too. Men with Low-T, as the condition of low testosterone is commonly referred to, increases a man’s risk of osteoporosis, diabetes and diminishes his mortality rate as well. Research has shown that maintaining balanced testosterone levels throughout the lifespan improves quality of life and raises the life expectancy for men.
Other Male Hormone Deficiencies
Another hormone that significantly impacts a man’s health and quality of life is human growth hormone (HGH). HGH plays significant roles in bone strength and density, muscle growth and mass and even brain function. This hormone peaks late in adolescence and starts to decline in a man’s twenties. By the age of 60, most men have little to no production of this vital hormone.